This is a tutorial on integrating Facebook API in your Flex Mobile app using Adobe AIR to publish it to mobile devices.

In order to start with this, you would first need to download the AS3 version of Facebook API from:

Facebook AS3 API

After downloading the library, we need to create an App on Facebook.

In order to build a Facebook App, we need to create one under Facebook developer. For this, go to and go to Apps. Once there, select option to Create New App and fill the required details. Once the application has been setup, we would need the App ID/API Key of the app just created. We will use this in our project.

Next we need to setup a new Flex Mobile Project. Open Flash Builder and create a new Flex Mobile Project. For the current tutorial, I have used a View Based Application template. You can use any one you want according to the requirement of your project.

facebook project

Once created, we will be presented with the FirstView of the application which Flash Builder creates automatically for us.

For the design part, I have created a simple UI which has a login button, a label which will display the name of the logged in person, a text area which we will use to post content on Facebook Wall and a Post on Wall. This all has been added into a SkinnableContainer. A SkinnableContainer is a lightweight component which is optimized for Mobile devices.

Setting up the required variables in the App:

[cc lang=”actionscript3″]

//Your App Id as created on Facebook

private const APP_ID:String = “YOUR_APP_ID”;

//App origin URL

private const FACEBOOK_APP_ORIGIN:String = “”;

//Permissions Array

private const PERMISSIONS:Array = [“publish_stream”];

//SatgeWebView to render Facebook login

private var facebookWebView:StageWebView;

private var accessToken:String = “”;


Here in the above code, we are creating the variables/constants we will be using in our application.

  • We create a constant which will store the Application Id we got from Facebook Developer after creating the app.
  • Facebook App Origin which will be used as a point for the app to be used for cookies. We are using this because there are issues while loggin out of the app. This issue has been reported on the Google Code for the API and is still under consideration.
  • The permissions are app will require.
  • A StageWebView to render the login from Facebook.
  • accessToken which we will be using in subsequent API calls.

Initializing the Facebook Object:

[cc lang=”actionscript3″]

private function init():void


//Initialize Facebook library

FacebookMobile.init(APP_ID, onFacebookInit);


private function onFacebookInit(result:Object, fail:Object):void


busyInd.visible = false;

fbLoginBtn.enabled = true;

//Session already exists



accessToken = result.accessToken;





In the creationComplete event, we call the static method init of the FacebookMobile class and pass two parameters: one being the application id and other being the callback function for the result. In the callback method, we receive two parameters. One is the success object and the other being failure. If success object is not null, we have a valid login and set the access token here. We also set here the username as received from the response.

Facebook Login screen

Login Clicked by user:

[cc lang=”actionscript3″]

private function onFBLoginClick(e:MouseEvent):void


busyInd.visible = true;

if(fbLoginBtn.label == “Login to Facebook”)


facebookWebView = new StageWebView();

facebookWebView.viewPort = new Rectangle(0, navigator.actionBar.height, width, height);

FacebookMobile.login(onLogin, stage, PERMISSIONS,facebookWebView);


else if(fbLoginBtn.label == “Logout”)


FacebookMobile.logout(onLogout, FACEBOOK_APP_ORIGIN);




Next we write code to handle login clicked by user. Here we create a StageWebView object and set the area for it equal to the app area, excluding the top action bar. We call the login method of the FacebookMobile class and pass as parameters the: callback function, stage, permissions and the web view created above. Once we run the app, FacebookMobile will use this webview to render the login form for the user and automatically get removed once login is successful.

Same as in Facebook init response, we save the access token as received after successful login.

Posting on user’s wall:

[cc lang=”actionscript3″]

private function onPostOnWallClick(e:MouseEvent):void


busyInd.visible = true;

var params:Object = {};

params.message = postTxtArea.text;

params.action_token = accessToken;

FacebookMobile.api(“/me/feed”, onPostStatus, params, “POST”);



We create an object where we set the message property, the message to be posted on user’s wall and the action_token property as the access token we have with us. We call the api method of the FacebookMobile library and pass as parameters: the action method, the callback function, parameters object and method type. Once a successful post is made on the wall, we get a result object else a failure object in the callback function.

This was a quick overview on starting up with the FacebookMobile API in Flex Mobile project. You can definitely extend it further in your project to get more user data, get wall posts, post on wall, post on friend’s wall etc. You can read more about this on Facebook Developer’s Graph API documentation.

You can download the code for the above project from here.

Recommended readings for Flash/Flex/AIR Mobile Applications:

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