Recently Xiaomi, popularly known as the Apple of China (probably because of the product quality and standards), entered the Indian market with their flagship device, Mi3. The phone was launched exclusively over Flipkart and the response and sales have been outstanding. With a similar marketing and sales pattern which was followed earlier by Motorola, Flipkart introduced Xiaomi Mi3 over their website in form of weekly sales. Fortunately, I was one of the lucky ones to grab the handset in the sale where 15,000 pieces went out of stock in just 2 seconds.

Just after placing the order, handset was delivered at my place in around 3-4 days. On receiving the handset, I decided to create an unboxing video of it to capture the moments of unwrapping the box and filming its first looks.


The handset comes in a sleek and small cardboard finish box and without any additional accessory. Though I was a bit disappointed finding out that the handset didn’t shipped with any earphones or a screen guard. Overall the handset looks quite sturdy with the aluminium finish which goes well with the front Black panel. The overall real estate of the handset were a bit more as compared to other 5″ handsets that are available in the market.


  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 8274AB 2.3GHz processor
  • 5-inch screen with full HD display
  • 13 mega pixel rear camera and 5 mega pixel front camera
  • 16 GB internal memory (not expandable)
  • 3050 mAh battery
  • Android 4.4 Kitkat

Xiaomi Mi3

Comparison (Xiaomi Mi3 vs Sony Xperia Z):

As I already owned an Sony Xperia Z device which I purchased around more than a year ago, I wanted to do a one-on-one comparison of it with the new Xiaomi Mi3. The main area where I wanted to compare the two devices was the rear camera. This was because both of them house a 13 MP camera Sony lens. Once I started with the comparison, in a matter of seconds, I was able to figure out that Mi3 was always a step ahead from Xperia Z, be it performance, camera, screen display or any other item. Few items which still made Xperia Z standout were its looks, compact design and above all, the ability to be waterproof.


You can check the photos in higher resolution on the following links:

Focus comparison

Indoor comparison

Light source comparison

Outdoor comparison



To summarize it all, Xiaomi Mi3 is definitely a handset worth its price and there shouldn’t be any second thoughts, unless and until you are person who looks for something very specific and can’t compromise on anything, no matter what.


  • Fast and responsive
  • Excellent camera
  • Great UI
  • Brushed metal looks are good
  • Low on cost


  • No accompanying earphones or headsets and screen guard
  • Size is bit bigger than other 5-inch devices


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